The Vikings of Utah were first invited to join the Scandinavian Festival in 2022. Since then, the group has grown a bit each year, offering something fun, educational and engaging to guests and fans of Norse heritage, culture and history. Vikings of Utah was founded by Stacy Russon in 2016. What came from a fun winter photo shoot on the shores of Deer Creek Reservoir, turned into a living-history experience with incredibly talented and dedicated members who offer a glimpse into the historical realm of the Viking era through handmade and authentic crafts, activities and skills. Come join us this year in the Viking Village!
Viking Village Features & On-Going Activities
Mjolnir’s Challenge at Blazing Shield Forge
Axe & Archery with Modern Viking Axe
Viking Turn-Shoes at Night Wolf Trading Post
Shield Painting at Shield Hall
Games & wool spinning at Gymir’s Spindle
Wood Carving at Trä slott
Nalbinding, Loom & Music at Nordic Queen Tent
Viking Village Schedule
12:00 Stinky Fish Chest Game
12:30 Warp-Weigh

ted Loom & Textiles
1:00 Lucet Cord Class
2:00 Nordic Song Performance
2:30 Blazing Shield Forge Demo
3:00 Kids Hammer Competition
3:30 Warp-Weighted Loom & Textiles
4:00 Viking Beard Contest
5:00 Lucet Cord Class
6:00 Nordic Song Performance
6:30 Stinky Fish Chest Game